Our 175th Anniversary Worship and Lunch will be held on Sunday, September 29 with special music by the choir starting at 10:00am followed by a wonderful service at 10:30am led by our own Rev. Michiko Bown-Kai who has been the permanent, full-time minister since 2021.
Special guest minister will be Rev. Dr. Morgan Bell, a doctoral candidate in systematic theology at the University of Toronto (Emmanuel College) and serving as a minister at St. Andrew’s United Church in downtown Toronto.
This celebratory service of worship will be followed by a free catered lunch, featuring pulled pork on a bun, salads, cake and beverages. Please RSVP to glenmorris.uc@gmail.com by September 15.
Donations will be gratefully received and proceeds from the weekend will go to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank which this church community has supported for 30 years. It will also help support the ongoing work of the church.
If you wish to join us online, click here. If necessary, please provide Meeting ID: 851 6767 5027 and Passcode: 752511. If you are calling in, using the same ID and Passcode, please call 1-647-558-0588.