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Glen Morris United Church celebrates 174 years on Sunday, September 24th and we'd love to have you join us!

Special guest minister will be our own Rev. Michiko Bown-Kai and of course there will be special music from our choir as well!

During the service, we will be taking a moment to recognize Orange Shirt Day through prayer. You are invited to wear orange as a sign of solidarity. 

Plan to stay after the service for celebratory cupcakes, muffins, cheeses  and hot and cold beverages.

Then join us from 2-4pm as we celebrate Culture Days: Talent from Brant featuring music, dance, pipes, drumming, artists/artisans and more from our own community and beyond! 

If you wish to join us online, click here .

If necessary, please provide Meeting ID: 851 6767 5027 and Passcode: 752511.

If you are calling in, using the same ID and Passcode, please call 1-647-558-0588.