We invite everyone to join us as we celebrate and contemplate the seasons of Advent and Christmas with events, services and special gatherings. With a theme of 'How Does a Weary World Rejoice?', we will share each worship or gathering under our Event postings on the website so be sure to check what is up and coming.
And as always, we invite you to come as you are, come when you can.
Sunday, December 3, 10:30am - Advent 1: Hope & Communion Sunday with special offering to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Sunday, December 10, 10:30am- Advent 2: Peace
Sunday, December 17, 10:30am - Advent 3: Joy
Thursday, December 21, 7:00pm - Longest Night Service, jointly with and at Bethel Stone United Church
Sunday, December 24, 10:30am - Advent 4: Love
Sunday, December 24, 7:00pm - Community Christmas Eve Service