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As Chair of Congregational Meetings, I would like to remind you that at our Annual Congregational Meeting last month, approval was given for the church to apply for a Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council (WOWRC) Matching $50,000 grant. Last week Regional Council announced the grant is now available with an application date of April 1, 2025. This grant provides up to $50,000 when a church raises the same amount to reduce its debt. At present our Renovation (DebtRepayment) Fund holds approximately $30,000 from previous donations. This means we need a capital fundraiser to raise $20,000 to meet our $50,000 contribution. Regional Council will then match this amount for a total of $100,000 that can be used to reduce our outstanding mortgage from $172,000 to $72,000. Applications for grants may be made every three years, so we could apply again in 2028 to pay off the mortgagealtogether.

In summary, we hope to raise $20,000 to have a total of $100,000 to reduce our church debt. This is an incredible opportunity! Contributions to this capital fundraising appeal are tax deductible, and qualify for recognition on our GMUC Tree of Donors in the Heritage Room. Contributions may be made by e-transfer to the church, by marked envelope deposits in church collection plates, or by providing marked cheques to John Graham or Leanne Ziler. 

Please consider donating to this capital fundraiser to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Bill Labron (Chair of Stewards) or me via our church email:

Thank you so much,

Robert Williams

Chair of Congregational Meetings


Lynn McRuer and Jen Westbrook

GMUC WOWRC Representatives