As many of you have now learned about and exprienced - there is a cluster of local United Churches who have spent the past two years meeting to engage in the work of the Grand River Collaborative Ministry. So far there have been two shared Sunday morning worship services in June and October of 2024. We have also had shared worship services for The Longest Night and Ash Wednesday.
We have joined together as clergy for meetings to share resources, plan shared programming and worship services, coordinate pastoral care supply, and offer support to one another as colleagues. There have also been regular meetings held at Five Oaks where clergy and lay representatives from all participating churches have shared in prayer, discussion, and learning about the potential of furthering our efforts to work colloboratively.
This year, as churches prepare for their Annual Congregational Meetings, we have asked each church to consider the following motion:
the future of our church is uncertain and that each church has their own unique needs and challenges
Collaboration enables us to address the challenges we face with an abundance mindset
We are hopeful that the lessons we gain from this work can be an asset to the wider church
Affirming that:
Collaboration can enable the Spirit to move freely, drawing together our gifts, passions, and inspirations in ways that will better empower us in our ministries.
Our communities of faith will be able to experience diversity in leadership
We will have greater capacity to say Yes to the ways we are being called to bold discipleship
Collaboration is a process of that seeks to embody God’s generosity and grace, seeking to ensure an equitable sharing of resources
Glen Morris United Church commits to being a part of the Grand River Collaboration:
where communities of faith can feel a strengthened sense of solidarity to navigate the challenges the church of today and the future is facing
Where the sharing of resources can enable churches engage in more effective stewardship, and enable churches to engage in new, necessary, and innovative forms of ministry
Where staff and ministry personnel can work with an environment of collegiality
Please be in touch with Rev Michiko if you have any comments or questions about this proposal that you would like addressed prior to it being discussed at our Annual Congregational Meeting.
Rev Michiko