Dear beloved readers of Passing the Peace,
What a blessing it is to be wrapping up another year of writing this weekly newsletter. Of course, tomorrow evening we will be officially celebrating New Year’s Eve and celebrating the start of a new year but I am mindful of the many cycles of renewal & letting go throughout the year. Solstices, equinoxes, harvests, the start of the school year, Advent as the start of the Christian calendar, and unexpected moments that change us - a new place in our lives clearly marked by a before and after.
So if you’re looking back on this year and feeling doubt, shame or disappointment trying to count out your achievements, please know there are opportunities and invitations always around the corner. And perhaps, this is also a great time to tell the voice in your head that says “You should have done this” or “Your life should look like this” to ease up a little.
This year, I hope you set goals that you can achieve because you are choosing to invest in what brings you joy. I hope you measure success by paying attention to the small things and the slow changes.
May the Peace of Christ be with you all throughout 2023, calling you and welcoming you to a life overflowing with God’s love.
Yours in Christ,
Rev Michiko