Hello dear ones,
My heart overflows as I sit down to write to you all. Words cannot describe how truly wonderful it is to be back “in the habit” (kinda like Whoopi Goldberg in the 1993 film Sister Act 2).
I imagine it can be hard to know how to be church in the world? I personally have found this extra difficult to ponder and discern over the last year, while living through this pandemic. So much of our faith calls us into action, and yet right now we are being called to stay home and save lives. There will be more to come on that note, with Sunday’s message but in the meantime, an important announcement:
One way we can continue to be church in the world is on this upcoming Sunday! Our Communion offering is directed to our Benevolent Fund this week. We have a family in our community in need, and our Benevolent Fund is currently at $20 as both Rev. Michiko and I have been offering financial aid where needed to those in need, over the last year (and beyond).
If your heart desires and you’d like to offer the ‘Treasure” T of Stewardship this Sunday, here’s how:
Many of you already make donations via e-transfer to either John Graham (our Treasurer) at jdgraham1215@rogers.com , or to our Church Account, via the website. When doing an E-transfer there is a message box that can be filled out to give me directions for the donation i.e. Benevolent Fund, M&S , local, Renos etc
Please be sure to indicate ‘Benevolent Fund’ for your offering to be directed accordingly.
Thank you all for your offerings of all of our T’s of Stewardship (Time, Talent, Treasure, Trees, Tissue, Trust, Truth….etc!).
As Rev. Michiko has so poignantly said, “The building is closed but the work of the church continues”. Your offerings have continued the work of the church, and we are all especially grateful during these uncertain times.
I will leave you with these words of hope found within Psalm 62:
All you people: Trust in God at all times
Pour out your hearts before God.
God is our refuge
In light,