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Dear Glen Morris United Church, 

I took great delight when someone pointed out to me that we have officially emerged on the other side of the darkest 8 weeks of the year. This weekend some people will be celebrating Imbolc (also referred to in more Celtic Christian circles as St Brigid’s Day) which is a festival that celebrates this turning point in the year - welcoming the birth of sheep and encouraging us to start imagining which seeds to prepare for next year’s garden. 

As we look forward in our liturgical calendar, Lent arrives on Ash Wednesday which takes place this year on March 5th. Glen Morris United will be preparing for the season of fasting the night before with a Pancake Supper - stay posted for all the details! 

However, prior to Lent our church will be hosting its Annual Congregational Meeting on February 9th. Even if you are not able to attend, I hope you will take a moment to read our Annual Report which gives an excellent overview of the life and work of this church. While you may think reports and meetings are boring, I invite you to read the report through the perspectives of gratitude so you can give thanks for the many many dedicated community members who give of their time, talent, and treasure so generously. We are blessed indeed! 

Peace be with you! Happy Lunar New Year (January 29)! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a gentle Spring on Groundhog Day (February 2)! And don’t forget Lynn’s birthday is approaching soon (March 27)! 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko


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