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Dear Passing the Peace Readers, 

The weather this past week has been a good reminder that even in the midst of summer - the sun doesn’t always shine. While I hope you are all making the best of this abundant summer season with long days and lush gardens, I am also holding those of you in prayer whose summer hasn't been all sunshine & rainbows. 

In the calm before the storm, the storm, and the sunshine after the storm, may the peace of Christ be with you,

When God’s promise stands in front of you on full display like a beautiful rainbow and in the moments when flood waters rush higher and higher, may the peace of Christ be with you,

In the moments when we feel far away from peace in our hearts and in the moments when we are called to bring peace to others, may the peace of Christ be with you,

Beloveds, in all the adventures and challenges that life takes you on, may the peace of Christ be your constant companion. 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko


(Sunset after a storm, Goderich Lake Huron: Karen Murray-Hopf)