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Dear Passing the Peace Readers, 

Thank you for taking a moment to connect with me through this newsletter. I hope that this letter finds you well - that you’re enjoying the sunshine and staying cool! 

This past Sunday evening, Queer Vespers (a new ministry that yours truly is a founding member of!) held a special Pride service at Wesley United Church. This was our third time gathering and yet again, it was such a beautiful and meaningful time of song, prayer, and community. 

Each time we have held this event that’s an intentionally affirming space for 2SLGBTQ+ people with queer and trans leadership we have been blessed with each person who has shown up. People have driven over an hour to be there, people have walked into a church for the first time in decades, people have thanked me while still wiping tears from their ears. People from many different Christian traditions, of all ages, old friends and people I have never met before - so much diversity and so many really inspiring and meaningful connections. 

This Sunday is our Pride service at Glen Morris United Church. This is a time of worship created with our community of faith at the center, honouring that as a community we have many different experiences and connections to this topic - many of us still learning and processing new ideas. I hope that you will come - with an open heart and wearing your favourite brightest colours of the rainbow!


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko