Hello Family of Faith,
As we begin to close in on our Lenten Journey, it’s been interesting to look back at our spiritual growth in this season. One thing I have enjoyed immensely has been doing the Lenten Devotional. It has given me the opportunity to physically track where my thoughts, spiritually, have been.
As someone who isn’t much of a journalist and often forgets to write in my journal even when reminded, it has been a nice touch this season. Especially since it has given me some wonderful prompts to work with creatively. Take for example, the poem below, which I wrote based on our scripture on the Third Sunday of lent. I want to share it with you, and if it helps, it was based off of John 4:4-42. This piece is called “Living Water”:
The sun burns hottest at noon
Yet I find myself without water
I crave the chance to drink
But I was never good at asking
I crave Your living water
The chance to be quenched from unbearable heat
The Noon of crushed hopes and painful loss
That seems to follow me
Where should I look?
I feel I will melt in the fire of Noon
I fear the well of the water I seek is buried too deep for me to reach
I lean on the knowledge of my ancestors
Those before me who were always just as thirsty
They found the spring, endless and pristine
Within each and every living being
The Breath,
The Ruach,
That filled our nostrils
When we were only just figures of earth
that filled our breath
Taught us to live Is our spring
The Living Water is flowing
Whenever and wherever we are present
For ourselves, for each other
Living and tending to gently
We will never be thirsty again
I hope this little piece was able to bring you both into the story of Jesus at the well and into communion with God today.