Dear Glen Morris United Church,  

I have a small journal I keep by my bedside that serves one purpose: to write down small lists of things I am grateful for. When I first started writing in this journal, I told myself it would be a daily ritual. Of course, sometimes building a new habit involves a few stops and starts and I haven’t been as consistent lately, but for a certain season it provided me with a very needed anchor in gratitude. I’m a strong believer in trying new spiritual practices imperfectly rather than not trying anything at all - I’m sure many of you have had similar experiences trying to build new habits and practices in your daily lives. Here’s what keeping a Gratitude Journal has taught me so far: 

Some days, the gratitude is overflowing. I want to thank every leaf changing colour along the Grand River. A vase of sunflowers on a rainy day feels like sunshine. 

Other days, I’m surprised at what I’m adding to the list (like a challenging situation getting slightly better/manageable). 

Sometimes, gratitude feels like a necessary ritual to wrap around life’s mysteries as we give thanks for the lives of loved ones we have lost, say thank you to caring nurses and doctors delivering sad news, and give thanks for lessons learned the hard way.  

On this Thanksgiving Weekend I hope that you will be able to take a moment to sit in gratitude (of all kinds) and know that God delights in you.  


Happy Thanksgiving and Peace be with you, 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko