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Canada Day 2021 is past, and many of us contemplated our celebration of this country for different reasons this year. But having just seen Mary Simon appointed as Canada's first Indigenous Governal General, it is a step in the right direction to see real and positive change for our First Nations peoples. A wonderful new day.

And as we move through this first month of summer, we share Volume I of our Passing the Peace newsletter, providing you with information for the month of July while August will see Volume II of this newsletter. Each Sunday, be it from your vacation home, on the road or at home, we look forward to having you with us as we continue on zoom weekly. Information on links, and worship outlines can be found at the service listing below and anytime on our website.

Our minister Meghan Gilholm continues on medical leave and we think of and pray for her healing. We miss her dearly and look forward to her return.

Hard work continues by your renovation committee team and I know they are anxious for everyone to see this amazing addition in person. It is indeed impressive when people commit to making something happen - we have some unbelievable individuals in this faith community who have given so much of their time and talents to make this a reality for all of us to enjoy. There will be much to celebrate when we are together again!

In closing, enjoy this beautiful July as we begin opening up, slowly but surely. How wonderful it will be to share time with each other in person soon. But we know we have a ways to go, and many who are not as lucky as we are. I offer this prayer from the United Church of Canada website as we think about all that we have done and all that needs to still happen.

Loving and caring God,
We have done everything we’ve been told:
Worn masks, stayed home, gotten our shots―
Isn’t it about time all this is over?

Let us remember always that no, it’s not over;
It’s not over for people in so many places we never think about:
People whose lives were already a struggle
Now overflowing with illness and loss and grief,
And often with no masks, no shots, no way to stay safe at home.

Remind us, God of the whole world,
That the whole world is our family.
That this won’t be all over until it is over for all.
And let us do all we can
To give our whole-world family what we take for granted:
Hope for a future.



Karen Murray-Hopf

Media & Communications Coordinator

Photo credit: Brian Duggan, Near & Far Imaging (Cambridge)