The wonderful aroma of cinnamon and apples filled the air at Wesley United Church (with a certified industrial oven) on Friday, September 16 as a hardworking crew from Glen Morris United Church - an morning and afternoon shirt - filled and baked 104 apple pies in preparation for St. George Applefest the next day. This was the final part as several weeks ago a pastry making crew were hard at work at Glen Morris United Church where pie shells were made and frozen. We thank the convenors, Liz DeGroote and Lyanne Lynch, who have led this committee since 1995, with this being Applefest’s 38th year. The pies were sold out by noon and the committee is happy to share that their sale brought a profit of $1,900 going directly to GMUC. Thank you to all who donated the required ingredients and finances as well as those who made pastry and pies. This is not only a financial success but the working bees are a great time of fun and fellowship.