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Dear beloved Passing the Peace readers, 

I look forward to catching up with all of you as I return from my vacation. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to enjoy the best that summer has to offer: time in the garden, highland games, bbqs with friends and family, bike rides, and more. With so much abundance all around it’s wonderful to have the time to slow down enough to really appreciate it. 

My partner, Johnny, and I spent a week during August at Algomatrad. I learned how to eek out a few tunes on the fiddle while Johnny offered basket weaving instruction. Each morning began with the sound of bagpipes and ended with a pavilion filled with beautiful music and energetic contra dancers. I love being at camp so much! There’s a real magic to being able to be in community: sharing stories, music, food, and dances. 

As I pray for you all, I imagine the endless possibilities of how God is accompanying you in your lives these days - for exciting news of births and new starts, the challenging juggling act of parenting/grandparenting/supporting your own parents, the quieter moments of peacefulness, the blessing of being loved… I look forward to worshipping with you this Fall where we can share these moments, alongside our wonderings and affirmations in community together! 


Peace be with you and hope to see you soon! 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko