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Dear Glen Morris United Church, 

Thank you for all the enthusiasm and thoughtfulness you have brought to this year’s Advent theme, Words for the Beginning. Here are some idea of how to continue to engage on worship beyond Sunday mornings: 

  1. Hold a quilt, offer a prayer of gratitude for the memories and people in your life that are connected to you through the making and sharing of the quilt. 
  2. Make a cup of tea and find somewhere cozy to read a few pages of the Advent devotional. If you have not received yours yet or are reading this newsletter from further away, you can access an online copy here
  3. Rewatch the Advent theme song video - here.

From the songwriters/musicians, The Bengsons, “The song is about reaching for—or “echolocating”—hope. The primordial tone of the song makes it feel connected to the beginning of time, but also the time of Jesus’ birth and today. As you listen and sing along, perhaps you will imagine a people yearning for a messiah, wanting to see the sun metaphorically rise again. Maybe you will think of the wisemen, those hearing the news of hope entering the world as they journey through the dark. May the song help you embody hope this season and point you toward the light of that bright star that continues to shine in our eyes.” 

5. Reflecting on our themes for Advent 1 and 2, offer a prayer for those who struggle to see themselves as a blessing and those who feel lonely. See if God shares with you a small yet meaningful way to answer that prayer. 


As we await the arrival of the Prince of Peace, may the Peace of Christ be with you and your loved ones, 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko