With limited spaces available, make sure to sign up for this wonderful workshop with fibre artist Susan Norman on Saturday, March 29, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Ingrid Douglas as soon as possible at i.douglas@rogers.com.
Susan shares -
This workshop is intended to introduce participants to the basic principles of making felt by hand using wool, water and soap. The nature of wool when wet and friction is applied is to shrink and interlace forming a matted surface called felt. Taking advantage of this quality, we can create designs to enhance the surface of the felt by laying wool in several interesting ways. Even different types of wool produce different textures, but in this workshop, we will primarily be using a fine merino wool. The project for this workshop will be a small 6” x 6” landscape with flowers, suitable for framing. You will be supplied with a few images (photos) to choose from to create your mini landscape. Participants are encouraged to add hand embroidery to their final product, but this is optional.
Supplies to be Brought by the Participant:
• Sponge (natural or synthetic)
• Old Hand towel (2 hand towels or 1 towel @ 24” x 48”)
• *Small basin or pail (to rinse your felt piece in) *if you are coming with someone, you can share this item
• Margarine or yogurt container with lid
• Embroidery or small scissors to cut wool/yarn
• Embroidery needles (suitable for 1 – 6 strands)
• Apron (optional)
Supplies Provided by Instructor
• Lots of coloured wool!
• Coloured yarn
• 6”x6” pre felt
• Bubble wrap
• Bamboo mat
• Fabric mesh
• Soap
• Iron and board
• Embroidery floss
• Images to choose from (you can bring an image as well)
I will also have available 8”x8” frames to mount your piece in at an additional cost of $15. This is optional of course!