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On behalf of the entire congregation, it is my great pleasure and a privilege to welcome Reverend Michiko Bown Kai back to our Church in the Glen as our Supply Minister for the next six months. Michiko is a very good friend of our church, having served as our Supply Minister in 2020 whilst Meghan Gilholm was on maternity leave. During that time, Michiko was ordained in the United Church of Canada and we celebrated this achievement by giving them a scarlet coloured liturgical stole representing the fire of the Holy Spirit. 

We sincerely thank Michiko for accepting this appointment again, and we look forward to their ministry as we seek and follow God’s path for our church in the coming years. 

I would also like to inform the congregation that since Michiko commenced their appointment on January 10, 2022 our pastoral charge supervisor Reverend Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa was able to retire from that position. She had been the supervisor since December 17, 2021. I would like to express our thanks to Cheryl-Ann for her unconditional support to the leadership of our church under unsettled circumstances during the past month. You should also know that starting on January 10, 2022, Glen Morris United Church no longer requires a pastoral charge supervisor.


Robert Williams

Chair, Official Board