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Dear Glen Morris United Church, 


What an incredible July it has been. I’m so grateful that Lynn and Margaret, our very dedicated music leaders, were able to take a much deserved break. It has been a real joy to have had Lys with us throughout the month, sharing her beautiful piano playing, soulful singing, and kind presence. And how wonderful it has been to welcome St George United Church to worship with us each week? The work of the Grand River Collaboration continues to be such a gift and I hope that you all get a chance to join St George United during the month of August! 


Thank you to all of you who ventured with me, looking for fresh takes and insights on the stories of the Old Testament that are well-known but often left unexplored: Jacob’s wrestling, Noah’s ark, the tower of Babel. I leave you with one last exploration of scripture along the same lines but this time - it’s poetry. Listen here to Padraig O’Tuama on Poetry Unbound as he shares the poetry of J. Estanislao Lopez, “Alternate Ending: The Escape of Jephthah’s Daughter.” 

I will miss you all dearly while I’m away and I am looking forward to taking time for rest and play to inspire me anew and rejuvenate my ministry! 


Peace be with you until we meet again in September, 


Yours in Christ, 

Rev Michiko