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Dear Passing the Peace Readers, 

I keep telling myself not to fall into the cliche Canadian trope of always talking about the weather but wow, did we ever get a whole bunch of snow this past week! I’ve been trying my best to enjoy this real winter moment (a combination of appreciating cozy indoor activities and admiring how amazing and brilliant the ‘dunes’ of snow look in the wind). 

As promised, this week’s newsletter is an opportunity for me to share a variety of resources for Black History Month. We are very blessed to be part of a denomination that creates a variety of videos, blog posts, and prayers! 

Moderator nominee Pastor Samuel Vauvert Dansokho recounts the devastating and lasting impact of colonialism on Africa:

Come, Join Me Under the Palaver Tree | The United Church of Canada 

How one United Chruch decided to respond to the Black Lives Matter movement: Anti-Racism at Bedford United on Vimeo

A local youth perspective on Black History and Black Futures: 

Black futures and the reframing of Black History Month | CBC Kids News  


From our worship service: 

Kings Return - The Lord's Prayer (Official Video) 

Shall We Gather At The River - Kings Return


May the peace of Christ be with you as you engage in these stories, 

Yours in Christ,
Rev Michiko

PS: The Ontario election is next Thursday, February 27! There will be a polling station at the church but there are also options this weekend for advance voting (a great option with all this weather we’ve had lately!) The United Church has an elections guide to help people live out their faith in how they engage with wider Canadian society. 

Faith and Politics | The United Church of Canada