Dear Glen Morris United Church,
Peace be with you. As we begin this season of Lent I’m aware that yet again, it is another journey into the wilderness with Jesus during a pandemic. Perhaps it feels that everything has already been said about the exhaustion and inspiration that awaits for us when we find ourselves off the beaten path. And so I honour you in the weariness or uncertainty you may be bringing to this season.
What I appreciate about Lent is that it is a season that invites contemplation and reflection. What patterns am I noticing in my life? Is this an invitation for change? What practice or people are nurturing me? How can I give thanks for this? If you missed out on the opportunity to join a guided reflection at our Ash Wednesday service, please feel free to use the resource attached below.
This Lent we are blessed with the resources of Sanctified Art as we explore the theme “Full to the Brim” and take up the lens of abundance with the idea of an ‘expansive Lent.’ In the upcoming 40 days we are asking what it means to fast from what distracts us from God without being led by feelings of guilt, shame, or restrictment. As we read our Bible on one hand and the newspaper with the other, while making our way through everyday life - what does it look like the hone the spiritual practice of naming and praising the abundance of God’s love?
This Lent may we be blessed with grace and gratitude in abundance.
Yours in Christ,
Rev Michiko
This week my humble offering to you are a few poems that have brought me delight and comfort in the wonderful way that only poetry seems able to.
From Here in the Sand
By Sarah Speed | Sanctified
You’ve been here before.
I squeeze that truth like an orange in my hands,
willing some form of comfort to run out,
roll down my wrists,
calm these aching nerves.
You’ve been here before—
in the wilderness, in the desert,
in the place where nothing is what it seems
and everything is sharp.
You've been here beforeso surely you know how hard it is
to hold tight to what is real
in the middle of a storm.
But because you’ve been here before,
I will stand tall.
I will sing songs of the river,
from here in the sand.
I will sing songs of the river,
into the wind.
“This is what was bequeathed us” by Gregory Orr – Poetry Film by Taian Lu
Full to the Brim - Daily Devotional Email
If you are interested in receiving a daily devotional email during the season of Lent please let me know by emailing! These daily devotionals include a beautiful collection of poetry, art, prayer, and reflections that you can have delivered right to your inbox every day.
Faith & The Common Good invites you: Join us on World Water Day, March 22, for Sacred Water: An Interfaith Conversation, to learn about what diverse faith and spiritual traditions have to teach us concerning the importance of water and how we can deepen our connection with it. Sacred Water is the second webinar in our Climate Narratives webinar series to raise awareness around faith-based responses to environmental issues. We aim to create a space for values-centred conversations and to highlight the contributions of faith-based groups working to build more resilient communities.