I am very pleased to inform you that the Official Board met last night and formed a new committee – the Glen Morris United Church Search Committee. It then appointed six members of the congregation to that committee. It was felt however that the optimal number of members should be seven rather than six. Under these circumstances, if any member or adherent of our church would consider volunteering for the final position, or if you would like to nominate a candidate (whose consent you have obtained), please notify either me or Bill Labron, whose email addresses are below. Current members of the Search Committee include: Bill Labron, Janice Little, Jayne Miller, John Morton, Jen Westbrook and Leanne Ziler. I would like to extend the thanks of the entire congregation to the Executive Working Group and the Official Board for their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm in achieving this important step in such an expeditious manner.

 Robert Williams, Chair Official Board

Email: robertscottwilliams@gmail.com


Bill Labron, Chair Executive Working Group

Email: blabron57@gmail.com